Dr. Tuesday
Dr. Tuesday works with her clients to define and create strategies to capitalize on their opportunities and overcome their barriers. VFG combines DISC Personality Profiles with Emotional Quotient (EQ) and Intelligence Quotient (IQ) tools to gain a more strategic advantage in brainstorming practical resolutions to effectively assigning projects and tasks to team members. They guide the organization in defining and documenting approaches to increasing synergy and produtivity through Infrastrual Engineering and Process Reviews. VFG directs the client in solidying and communicating purpose, mission and vision.
Dr. Tuesday speaks on numerous topics. She motivates, inspires, and captivates her audience with humor, well delivered and targeted talks. Communicating the message of her clients to the team, leaders, organization, corporation, or community; Dr. Tuesday is a home-run hit as your Keynote Speaker for your next conference, business, training, team meeting, and or retreat.
Dr. Tuesday is a Certified Trainer and Coach. She is also a Certified Behavior Consultant using DISC Personality Profiles in her Consulting, Training, and Coaching services and solutions. VFG trains team members and leadership on the company's defined and various industry apporaches, philosophies, and resolutions. VFG Training solutions include DISC, EQ-IQ, and Professional Etiquette for business and social skills for youth and life. Using DISC and EQ, she guides aspiring and current management level professionals in knowing their Personality Type and EQ Compentencies, as well as how to overcome objections, gain buy-in, and handle conflict.
Dr. Tuesday helps her clients to identify, define, establish, communicate and remain focused on their goals, vision, mission, and purpose. VFG assists in bringing passion and purpose into a defined, producive, reproducable vision with goals. Using PRISM (Professional.Relational.Image Identity.Spiritual.Mission) Coaching, she takes a Holistic approach to meet the needs of her clients; particularly those in transition. As a Life Advisor, she coaches the Elite Pofessional, Entertainer, Public Figures, Community Leaders, Athlete, and Clergy.
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